Crafting Revisit: No Sew DIY Fleece Rope Bones

My very first craft blog post was about making braided fleece dog toys.  In the year and a half since that post, I've learned a lot about how to take better photos with my little point and shoot camera, and how to adjust the photos that aren't so great on my computer. Lets just say that me and the macro setting are best buddies now.  I still have a lot to learn, but I can easily see how much the posts have improved.

Needless to say, I recently happened across some fleece in the remnant basket at the local Walmart (our closest Walmart still has a fabric section--I know many don't anymore). About 20 inches of a bright blue fleece and 15 inches of a thicker light green fleece were each marked at about $1.00.  Those widths of fabric aren't good for much, but they are perfect for making rope bones.  So I figured it was about time to make some more.  

I pulled out my cutting mat and rotary cutter.  For medium sized bones, cut your strips 2 inches wide and about 20 inches long.  

Tie a knot in three strips of fleece.  I used two strips of one color and one of the other for each of the bones. Attach your knot to something fixed.  I pinned it to my pants (see the original post for more details) and braided away.  I noticed that the different thicknesses of fabric lead to different lengths of strips by the time I got to the end of my bone.  Allow a good 3 to 4 inches of fabric to tie your bottom knot.  When you're done, even out the fabric strips at the end.  I cut each strip into 3 pieces to create more of a tassel effect.  

Molly (our dog pictured below) wanted to steal these from me while I was making them, but she waited impatiently like a good little girl.


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